Everybody Is different because every #BODY Is different

Everybody Is different because every #BODY Is different… Many things make us who we are, we all have different genetics and we all have our strengths in some areas and weaknesses in other areas. But the one thing we all have in common is that none of us are perfect. We are all different and we are all unique: That’s what makes this world so magical and interesting ❤️ Embrace being different #BuenasNoches 🙏🏼 #Namaste 💋 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ॐ

Love is everywhere

#Love is everywhere and in everything, it’s presence only needs to be realized ❤️ Buenas Noches 💋 #Namaste 🙏🏼 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ॐ

“I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength”—Alex Elle…

Normally, when we think of strength, we think of pure physical strength. As humans, we discover that sometimes things get tough and we have to find strength inside ourselves to move on. Sometimes we discover as well that, our very worst enemy is our very own Self: doubts, self-consciousness, fear of rejection, etc. We are not perfect and negative situations will come up — they’re unavoidable. Sometimes we may fail. But we all have the power to rise again and turn any struggle into positive experiences 🌑 Buenas Noches! 💋 Namaste 🙏🏼 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ॐ

If you can’t get someone out of your head, Maybe they are supposed to be there?

Sort of… Sometimes it could be loneliness that makes you want to hold on to whatever makes you feel less lonely. Or sometimes it could be plain #Love or attraction… Biologically speaking there are a lots of variables that can affect how much we’re attracted to someone ranging from looks to personality preferences, social and cultural backgrounds and of course: All the chemicals that contribute to that altered mental state we call Love.  Adrenaline, Dopamine, Serotonin…. All swirling inside your brain making a mixture of conflicts, pleasure, priorities, stress, confusion. So be wise, Know yourself. Notice the difference between Love, lust, attraction and loneliness. And never settle for someone who will feed your ego instead of feeding your soul… #Namaste 🙏🏼 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ॐ

Los cambios aunque a veces no parezcan, son para bien

Hay momentos donde nos sentimos solos, vulnerables, débiles. Sin rumbo. Sin guía. Como si estuviéramos perdidos en un camino sin gps, sin waze, sin nada que nos oriente. Muchas veces no entendemos qué está pasando, ni a donde vamos. Si embargo estamos justamente donde tenemos que estar. Experimentando lo que tenemos que experimentar. Que tengan una súper semana 💋 #Namaste 🙏🏼 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ॐ